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Join Our New IPA PRSA Social Media Summer Fun! #IPAPRSAFUN
Starting July 1 through August 31, 2015 join us as we get social and share our Indie summer fun and travels using hashtag #IPAPRSAFUN! Indies unite! Share your visual stories and let’s get to know one another socially on our new PRSA IPA Facebook Page!
Start by snapping some fun summer pics: you eating ice cream, listening to a band…going to festivals…an image of your favorite beach or flower…whatever makes you smile this summer. Then share your fun summertime photos to our Indie conversation (“convo”) and hashtag #IPAPRSAFUN on PRSA IPA Facebook Page. Our social media chair will create an album of the #IPAPRSAFUN images that you upload to IPA’s Facebook, making it easy for all to view during our much needed office breaks
IPA 12/60 program hosts first IPA Twitter Chat!
On June 3, 2015, IPA’s 12/60 program used an exciting interactive communications tool to chat about the topic of social media. IPA’s social media chair, Louise Eliason, CEO of Eliason Associates, a public relations and multimedia consultancy, launched our first PRSA IPA Twitter Chat, “Social Media for Business” #IPAPRSA. Joining her as guest contributors in IPA’s Twitter chat were
PRSA Counselors Academy’s chair-elect, Martin Waxman, APR, president of a consultancy, Martin Waxman Communications, and Nicole Henderson, PRSA Corporate Communications section executive committee, member-at-large, and owner of Selsi Enterprises.
IPA’s NEW Social Media Reboot! No foolin’!
We have new IPA social media plans and channels with you! We’re eager to have you join us on our new social media channels.
Starting with our new PRSA IPA Facebook Page and PRSA IPA Twitter. We plan to post notices about our monthly teleseminar topics there, and to share any other useful Indie content we find – including useful tips from IPA members’, too! Please take a look. We hope you “Like it”.
Hoodwinked by LinkedIn?
Thought his might be of interest to fellow IPA indies whose clients, like mine, show reluctance about using social media like LinkedIn. (Cross-post from my BizTribe blog.)
- Networking time savings. Think about it. What’s your best use of time? Attending a two-hour association luncheon where you never know who you’ll meet? Or, two hours on LinkedIn where you search out exactly the type of people with whom you choose to rub elbows?
Social Media Categories/Descriptions
I recently gave a “Social Media Made Easy” presentation to the Institute of Management Consultants (IMC) in Phoenix. As a handout for the participants, I compiled this list of popular social media sites, categorized by best uses, which might be of help or interest to PR indies or your clients. (The descriptive blurbs next to the site names are direct quotes from the Web- or Wikipedia-site addresses noted.)
Feel free to add other social media sites you use successfully in a comment below.
– Ann Videan
Social Media
Compiled June 2010
by Ann N. Videan, APR (