HomeAugust, 2008 -
Consultants join ranks of PR faculty
Being a consultant and teaching part-time at the local institution of higher education seem to go hand-in-hand for a lot of IPs, myself included. Teaching is a great way to give back to the public relations profession, and it helps keep me connected to the next generation of practitioners. It also encourages me to stay current on the latest trends and techniques and provides a bit of additional income. And as a huge bonus — it never fails to impress clients.
If you’re interested in joining the faculty at your local college, here is some information to help you get started.
Utilizing Your IPA Network
I will be travelling to Hilton Head Island, South Carolina for vacation on Saturday (hopefully Hurricance Fay will have passed by then!), so I researched our IPA directory and guess what I found out? Two executive committee members, Kelly Davis and Jamie Meredith, are near by. So as a self-employed professional, I realized I can ride off part of my vacation. We are exchanging e-mails right now and hope to meet in Savannah, Georgia or in Hilton Head early next week.
So, the next time you are travelling for business or pleasure, don’t forgot to check the IPA directory before you leave!