HomeMarch IPA 12/60 Now Available On Demand! “Get Your Marketing Unstuck and Into Action” -

March IPA 12/60 Now Available On Demand! “Get Your Marketing Unstuck and Into Action”

A recording of this teleseminar is available here.

According to presenter Robert Middleton, there are two types of “stuckness” that can keep you from marketing your business:  1.) logistical “stuckness”, when you don’t know the “how to”; and 2.) cognitive “stuckness”, when you know the “how to” but resist taking action.

Through his company, Action Plan Marketing, Robert has worked with thousands of people through individual consulting, workshops, seminars and online programs. He noticed, however, that after coaching clients and equipping them with the same information, some would take action and others would not.

In search of an answer as to why, he came to identify the two types of “stuckness” after applying principles he learned from Byron Katie’s “The Work”, described in her book Loving What Is, which focuses on how our beliefs affect our relationships. Robert made the analogy that our beliefs also affect our ability to either take action or become stuck.

In this 12/60 participants learned how to get unstuck and move forward. Robert walked one participant through his process, which allowed other call participants to see how it can work for them.

Robert’s process begins in the form of a worksheet which asks 12 questions to help identify why you are stuck.

Communicating with people you don’t know about what you do is uncomfortable. But you need to move past the fear that prevents you from taking action.

Some of the questions include: Where are you stuck or what are you avoiding?; How do you feel and what do you do when you’re avoiding?; What is the belief underlying this avoidance?; and Is the belief working for you? You begin to identify your thoughts and beliefs, and learn how to ignore them.

You need to learn to separate who you are from your thoughts. My most successful clients are those who are willing to move through the thoughts and beliefs that keep coming up.

Robert’s book, The Unstuck Process, is available as a free e-book. To download, visit theunstuckprocess.com. You can also learn more about Robert and his firm, Action Plan Marketing, by visiting actionplan.com.

About Robert
Robert Middleton, of Boulder Creek, Calif., has been helping self-employed professionals with their marketing for over 30 years. Robert wrote the online bestseller The InfoGuru Marketing Manual, and since 1997 has been sending out his weekly ezine, More Clients, to thousands of subscribers internationally.

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