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March IPA 12/60 Now Available On Demand! “Get Your Marketing Unstuck and Into Action”

A recording of this teleseminar is available here.

According to presenter Robert Middleton, there are two types of “stuckness” that can keep you from marketing your business:  1.) logistical “stuckness”, when you don’t know the “how to”; and 2.) cognitive “stuckness”, when you know the “how to” but resist taking action.

Through his company, Action Plan Marketing, Robert has worked with thousands of people through individual consulting, workshops, seminars and online programs. He noticed, however, that after coaching clients and equipping them with the same information, some would take action and others would not.

So You Want To Teach?


Andrew “Andy” McGowan, president and founder, Watkins McGowan, LLC; Maria Russell, APR, Fellow PRSA, professor, public relations; director, Executive Education Programs, S. I. Newhouse School of Public Communications, Syracuse University

In February’s 12/60, Andy McGowan and Maria Russell walked us through the pros and cons of moving from daily Public Relations practice in an agency, corporation or non-profit organization to teaching. “It’s enjoyable but a lot of work,” said McGowan. “Schools are looking for good professors today,” continued Russell. They spoke of the many opportunities for professionals today beyond Introduction to Public Relations like teaching specialized adjunct classes in writing, digital media, employee engagement and industrial relations. You can also see if teaching is a fit for you by volunteering as a guest lecturer at your local state university or college. This 12/60 was packed with a wealth of information and other areas explored included how to get a job teaching, what to expect/anticipate and the salary. To hear this webinar simply  CLICK HERE and scroll all the way down.

January’s Teleseminar Now Available On Demand! How to work your business and not allow it to work you.

January’s Teleseminar Now Available On Demand!    How to work your business and not allow it to work you.

Independent Practitioners often get caught up with “urgent” issues that arise and lose sight of what’s truly important to maintain and grow their business. Carrie Wilkerson, the barefoot executive, helped our IPA members put it all in perspective at our first 12/60 Webinar of 2016, titledMaximize Your Profit and Productivity While Keeping Your Priorities Intact.”

January’s IPA 12/60! “Maximize Your Profit & Productivity While Keeping Your Priorities Intact”

Register here!

Wednesday January 27, 2:00 pm Eastern/11:00 a.m. Pacific

As practitioners and service providers, we sometimes get lost in the urgent, without ever attending to the important.  As we start this New Year, let’s resolve to stop the cycle of putting out fires instead of growing intentionally and meaningful (for ourselves AND our clients!).  This month’s program will show you how to:

  • Discover how to determine your primary and secondary motives in your practice.
  • Develop a strategy for knowing what to work on first then next based on those motives.

NOW ON DEMAND: Part 2: Letting Go in Order to Grow: Growing Your Business by Outsourcing

IPA 1260 square image for blog

Bob Schiers, Founder & President, RAS Associates, LLC

Michelle Olson, APR, General Manager, Fingerpaint

Documents Shared by our Panelists (on the IPA website):

  • Code of Conduct_USPR (Bob Schiers)
  • Freelance Agreement (From Michelle)

Last month we held Part 1 of the Letting Grow In Order To Grow series which focused on growing your agency into a practice with employees. This month we focused on outsourcing or using subcontractors.  I urge you to listen to the whole program, but I’ll give you a few highlights here.

The benefits of outsourcing:  time savings for you, growth opportunity for your business: